second reflection

The difference between the online educational content and openly licensed educational content are:

OER or the open educational resources are the ones where the information is free and the users do not really need any kinds of permission to view the information. On the other hand the online educational content is the one that is often available in a certain amount (Tian, 2016). In other words the information is always not available in a proper amount and the users may not have the permission to view the entire information ( 2020). There is also a chance that the information that is available in the OER is authentic than in comparison to the ones that are found in the other online educational content.


OER Africa is one of the useful tutorials that have actually helped in understanding about the step by step process that will be helping in understanding about the right ways of using the information that is available. The evaluation process is as follows-


There is enough relevance because they try to fulfill the objective like to bridge the gap between different countries and colleges.


The information available is accurate and also there is no spelling errors or any errors in grammar. The information taught is about many authentic aspects like educational technology, Indigenization and also many other such useful aspects

Production quality

The design of the site is done in proper manner and also it enhances the overall look of the site and students will be getting attracted towards studying the content from this site ( 2020).

The audio have been developed in a proper way and the students will be getting attracted to the same.


This is accessible as the students can easily read the content from the website and the content is written in the form of document (.doc).


The content encourages active learning and also students will be encouraged as they will be able to appear for the assignments and the questions.


The information available is totally reusable as the students can use the same for writing their assignments several times. Active learning is encouraged because students can also carry on a proper group study (Gough, Giffen & Woodward, 2018).

I will be using this in a step by step process in my future life. I feel that this will surely be of a great help in my professional work. This is because I will be able to use a step by step method in order to understand the ways in which I will be able to use the information from the OER and then be able to make sure that this is being incorporated in my own researches and also in all the professional works that I am undertaking. I will also be able to make sure that I am not making use of any unauthentic or wrong information in my work. It is for this reason that I will always make use of the open and freely available   information that I will be getting from using the open educational resources.





References (2020). Available from-

Gough, C. M., Giffen, C., & Woodward, T. (2018, December). NEON Data in the Classroom: An Open Education Resource for Enhancing Understanding of Terrestrial Carbon Cycling Processes Across Scales. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (2020). Available from-

Tian, H. (2016). Research on the Influence Factors of Building China’s Adult Education System under the Open Education Resource Perspective. DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science, (isetem).